NUS Libraries



This website is maintained by National University of Singapore (NUS) Libraries to support research and teaching. The maps in this website were scanned and georeferenced by Department of Geography, NUS, with kind permission from Singapore Land Authority and Ministry of Defence for NUS Libraries to provide viewing of the map services over the internet.

Should you have feedback or enquiries, please contact

Please note that NUS Libraries only owns permission to provide this interface and the relevant services to view and analyze the maps. If you wish to integrate the maps in one of your project and want a copy of them, we encourage you to use services from the National Archives, which allow users to request copies.

Map Controls

Zoom in Zoom out Zoom

For a closer inspection, click the magnifying glass icon to zoom in and out. You can also use the usual gestures on your touchscreen, trackpad or mousewheel.

Toggle fullscreen Fullscreen

If your device supports it, click the icon to put the site in fullscreen. This will hide all content except the maps and the interface.

Toggle swipe layer Swipe

To view and compare multiple maps, click the layer swipe icon, you will then be able to choose each layer you want to compare. Toggle between horizontal and vertical views of chosen maps accordingly for best results. You can set the transparency of both layers with the slider.

Geolocate me Geolocation

click the location icon in the left panel to allow location sharing permissions, and discover how your exact location has evolved over time by comparing and studying the different map layers.

Layer Controls

click each layer's title or the checkbox next to it to toggle its visibility.

Opacity Changing Opacity

When a layer is visible, a slider appears under its name. You can set the transparency of the layer on this slider.

Zoom To Layer Zoom to Layer

Center and the zoom the map on a specific layer by clicking on this icon.

Information Metadata

click the information icon next to each map layer to learn more about the map.

You can also click the Metadata tab from the main menu to access the overview of all metadata and specific information.

Website Credits

Data Migration, System Architecture, UX Design and Implementation Gaetan Boisson
Systems Support Ashton Tay, Tan Cher Ern, NUS IT
User Testing, Copy and Guidance Richard Ho, Michelle Song Yun Quak, Steven Dick Mun Chow, Magdeline Tao Tao Ng

The original project was delivered by the following team:

Map Georeferencing and Digitisation Dr. Rick Ick-Hoi Kim, Raymond Huang Jinliang, A/P Feng Chen-Chieh, A/P Wang Yi-Chen and Prof. David Taylor, with the support of NUS Strategic Initiative
Technical Consultants Dr. Rick Ick-Hoi Kim, Raymond Huang Jinliang
Cartographic History Consultant Mok Ly Yng
Systems Support Ng Boon Hwee, Aria Wenda Ongkowinoto, NUS IT
Map Service Publishing Emily Sugerman, Estella Ye, Richard Ho, Feng Yikang
Map Mosaicking Esther Ng, Feng Yikang
Metadata Dr. Rick Ick-Hoi Kim, Kelman Chiang, Esther Ng, Estella Ye, Feng Yikang
Administration Dr. Sim Chuin Peng, Tan Geok Kee, Gerrie Kow, Yow Wei Chui, Foo Yan Chuin, Loh Yuexia, Feng Yikang
Website Coordinator Feng Yikang

split icon by varsha shikha from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)